Equitable Growth and Progress
Considering the rich-poor distinctions, the caste-community divisions, they think that India is more diverse than pluralistic. He is of the opinion that we have made real progress at a time when not only a few people but everyone is reaping the fruits of development. It is the responsibility of any elected government to make the best use of available resources. A large proportion of the youth in the population is India’s strength and the country needs to focus on quality education, vocational training and employment to benefit from it. Modern tools should be used in agriculture. He said that there was a huge social gap in the field of healthcare and modern tools should be used in this field as well. The goal of political leaders should be equitable development and welfare of the backward classes as well as women. Politicians should take care of the society just like the head of the family who takes care that everyone in the family gets equal opportunities for development.
Lack of ingenious schemes and corruption are the major challenges facing our country at present and as a result our country’s resources are being plundered on a large scale. Water conservation and water management are being neglected. Due to inadequate provision of institutional credit, the situation of farmers is becoming critical. The state’s industrial policy is designed to benefit only a handful of entrepreneurs. Lalfiti’s administration, license-quota rule and overall policy are hampering the state’s industrial and infrastructure development. The development of the service sector is limited to information technology – IT. Less educated and less skilled people can get employment in areas like tourism but such areas are not encouraged. All of this needs to change if we are to move forward.
The challenge for the service sector is to create meaningful employment and new opportunities for the people of the state, not just focus on the meaningful development of a few.